Thursday, May 1, 2014

Divergent: which faction would you choose?

Has anyone read Divergent and taken the test in the back to discover which faction you belong with? I did and not surprisingly ended up erudite.

I took the zimbio version and landed divergent - multiple times while trying to manipulate it.

Then I found another one on the web. I took it and received divergent again - but at least this one told me which one I'm closest to, which just happens to be erudite.

divergent faction symbols
The faction symbols, courtesy of Reader's Wonderland

Anyone who knows me would think that this makes sense. I'm in college with just kind of... a craving for knowledge, particularly books. I'll read practically anything, and someday I want to be able to share all of this knowledge that I've accumulated with others in some way.

But at the same time, it seems like the erudite prize more of the scientific knowledge over my preference for the arts/English (or was that just me)? So, I don't think I'd do well there at all. Besides, it seems like you almost have to be maniacally motivated to be in that faction, which I'm usually... not.

If I wouldn't do well with erudite, then where would I land, especially if I'm "divergent?" I usually say that I would willingly pick candor, as if I wasn't crazy. I'd like to think that I'm a pretty opinionated person, and that I often say thoughts without thinking twice. I'd like to think that this would be a pretty great fit. Never mind that I'd have to tell the truth all the time, no matter if I wanted to or not. I'm pretty sure I could live with that.

But what about the other factions? Why wouldn't I choose them? Let me try to explain.

*I couldn't be abnegation. I don't always feel selfless enough. In this particular faction, I'd feel a lot like Tris - awkward and out of place because it doesn't always come naturally to me.

*I couldn't be amity. I'm one of the least peaceful people I know because arguing/debating is pretty much one of my favorite things. This would no doubt not end well for me.

*There is a definite no for me on the dauntless doorway. I'm not a big fan of trying new things, let alone death defying stunts. I don't wish for that adrenaline rush like some people. It's not built into me. I would pass without blinking. Otherwise, I'd probably end up like Al, and that was not a pretty ending.

However, I hold Four's quote of "I don't want to be just one thing. I want to be brave and selfless and intelligent and honest and kind" in high esteem, because he had it right. It's better to be more than one thing than just one thing - because then life would be pretty boring.

All this being said, Veronica Roth's wonderful world of Divergent is not real. It leaves me with the question: if you lived in this world, what would you choose? Would you stay with your family or would you take the plunge to become who you want to be? What faction would you choose for yourself, based on either the test or your own preferences? let me know in the comments below!

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