Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thoughtful Thursdays: Labyrinth of suffering

Well, I'm sorry for taking last Thursday off, but it was spring break and I was "shunning" my laptop. In other words, I was trying to stay away from it and do other more productive things... like reading! It worked, too. Now I'm back and am reading to delve back into the worlds of my favorite dystopias.

"The only way of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive." -- Looking for Alaska by John Green 
Courtesy of  3decor

 I said that I'd be using a lot of John Green quotes... and now I'm planning to collect on it.

Today I think I'll spend most of my time towards the end of Allegiant, which is book three in the Divergent series. Unfortunately, I plan on spoilers.Normally, I tried to avoid them, but today's quote goes so aptly with the book.  If you don't care, read on! And if you do, feel free to stop reading whenever needed.

Hmmmm... where to start. A little background information: somewhere in the middle of book two (Insurgnet) a rift was brought between Tris and her brother Caleb. I won't say why and let you read that part of the book for yourself. However, that rift carries over to book three. Even though Caleb apologized profusely, Tris refused to accept that apology.

Which brings me to the end of the book. Something was going to go down, which required someone to be willing to die to do it. Caleb, knowing that his life was going nowhere fast due to his betrayals, decided to be the victim. At the last minute, Tris decided to take his place, knowing that since she was divergent she had a chance of surviving. It was her way of saying that she accepted Caleb's apology, and saying that she had things that she needed to atone for as well.

I won't say what happened next and leave the ending at that.

I believe that book three is all about redemption. Everyone has things that they've done in the past two books. They have to forgive each other, and make their ways out of the twisted lies they've made for themselves. Hence, Alaska's mysterious quote that the characters spend most of their time pondering (in Looking for Alaska).

So... What did you think? As always, feel free to let me know in the comments!

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